Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis Reading Seminar (Fall, 2011)

Course: MAT 290
CRN: 69632
Class: Friday 4:10pm-6:00pm, 2240 MSB 

Organizer: Naoki Saito 
Office: 2142 MSB 
Phone: 754-2121   

This quarter, we will read several chapters from the following book:
  • R. B. Bapat: Graphs and Matrices, Springer-Verlag, 2010.

  • These subjects are becoming more and more important in the area of Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, in particular, those related to data analysis on graphs/networks and machine learning. Any participant who actually makes a classroom presentation on a paper selected from the following list will receive 2 credit units. The other participants will receive 1 credit unit (attendance will be checked).

    Sep. 30: Organizational Meeting
    Oct. 14: Chapter 4: Laplacian Matrix and Chapter 5: Cycles and Cuts
    Oct. 21: Chapter 6: Regular Graphs
    Oct. 28: Chapter 7: Algebraic Connectivity
    Nov. 4: Chapter 8: Distance Matrix of a Tree
    Nov. 18: Chapter 9: Resistance Distance
    Dec. 2: Chapter 10: Laplacian Eigenvalues of Threshold Graphs
    Dec. 9 (starts at 3:30pm!): Chapter 11: Positive Definite Completion Problem

    Please email me if you have any comments or questions!