A Categorification of the Vandermonde Determinant

A diagram of the main example in the paper.


In the spirit of Bar Natan’s construction of Khovanov homology, we give a categorification of the Vandermonde determinant. Given a sequence of positive integers, we construct a commutative diagram in the shape of the Bruhat order whose nodes are colored smoothings of a 2-strand torus link and whose arrows are colored cobordisms. An application of a TQFT to this diagram yields a chain complex whose Euler characteristic is the Vandermonde determinant evaluated at the sequence of positive integers we started with. A generalization to arbitrary link diagrams is given, producing categorifications of certain generalized Vandermonde determinants. We also address functoriality of this construction.

In Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications
Alex Chandler
Alex Chandler
Krener Assistant Professor

My research interests include machine learning, algebraic combinatorics, categorification, graph theory, knot theory, low dimensional topology, topological combinatorics.
