On line Course
From Home: Use SSH,
a.) Windows OS: Open terminal OR Search for  PUtty, install, connect to:
b.) MAC OS

 Applications --> Utility---> Terminal

$ ssh username@point.math.ucdavis.edu

9 LABS,  submit  and pass 8 labs to pass the course.
Due dates:    Tuesdays :  5 PM sharp.
95 --100% =PASS = P
85 --95% = Barely pass= BP
00 --84% = No Pass = NP
If you received unexpected BP or NP please contact Your  TA .
If your Account  is not working  email  help@math.ucdavis.edu
Other questions: 1. Contact the 
TA ,  2. contact Dr. Daddel.

a) Login to  computers in the LAB and from home  using SSH.
b) How to stop in the middle of a lab and continue it later without losing your work.
c) Difference between  save and "diary off "commands.
d) Unix Command : ls, ...
How to edit your work.
f) How to submit  your work.
g)  How to use m-files to write and run a program in matlab.
h) How to log out.