LATE Enrollment:   MATH 22AL (Computer Lab For Linear Algebra)

If you added the course after the mandatory sessions, you need to do the following to catch up on the work and information:

1. Create an account on MATH DEPT computers visiting this page.

You will receive your username and password. Make a note of it, you  are going to use it for the rest of the quarter. 

2.  You can go to Computer LAB in 2118 MSB (Step 3 below) or
     Work from home (Step 5 bellow).


3. Go to 2118 MSB (undergraduate computer lab) and follow the instructions here

4. For additional help, see and go to  TA  office hours (information on the home page of the site).

5. For information on how to work from your own computer visit the Course information (Click here) . This is also posted on course information on the website.