Math 347, Fundamental Mathematics

Fall 2014

MWF 9-9:50AM, 241 Altgeld Hall

Welcome to the course webpage for Math 347, Section B1. Here you will find some general info about the course. This is also the place to look for homework assignments, occasional course notes, and other things that might interest you. Most of this information will also be available through our course page on Illinois Compass.

ANNOUNCEMENT: The final will be on Monday, Dec. 15, 8AM-11AM in 241 Altgeld. Here are some practice problems for you to prepare. Here are the solutions. You will be allowed the front and back side of a usual piece of paper of handwritten notes, as well as a non-electronic dictionary to help with language, if needed. The exam will be cumulative: that means that anything which has been covered in class will be fair game for the final. There will not be any intended bias towards any particular part of the course (however, since this is a class about proving things, the methods of proof that we discussed in the first part of the class resonates throughout all of the other sections, and it would be good for you to make sure you know them). Extra OFFICE HOURS this week are scheduled for Friday, 10-11AM and 3-4PM.

Textbook   Homework Policy   Exams   Homework Assignments   Material by Day   Various Notes   Back to Main Page 

Course Syllabus

Professor: Elena Fuchs
Office: 359 Altgeld Hall
Email: lenfuchs at illinois dot edu
Office hours: M 10:00AM-12PM or by appointment.

Textbook and Prerequisites:

The textbook we'll be using is "Mathematical Thinking" by D'Angelo and West (2nd edition). For the real analysis sections, we may borrow material from other books and I will provide you with copies of the relevant sections at that time.

The prerequisite for this course is Math 231.

Homeworks, Exams, and Grading:

Your grade for the course is determined as follows: 15% for homework, 25% for each of the best two of three midterms, and 35% for the final. There will be no make up exams.

Homework (along with occasional supplementary notes) will be posted here and will be due every Wednesday at 9:50AM in class, or in my office by the same day/time (if you choose the office option, you can slide it under the door). You are encouraged to work with your classmates on homework and discuss the homework problems amongst each other. However, solutions should be written up independently, and you should write down which classmates you worked with at the top of your homework. The lowest two homework scores will be dropped. Therefore the policy is that no late homework will be accepted, especially since we will sometimes discuss the solutions to the homework problems in class.

The midterms will be in class on Wednesday, September 24, Wednesday, October 15, and Wednesday, November 12. More details about these exams will be announced in class and posted here closer to the dates.

If you have a cold or flu, I ask you to please do yourself, your classmates, me, and all the people we live with a huge favor by staying home and resting, rather than coming to class! If this happens I will work hard to help you catch up on notes and things you missed in class once you are healthy!

Course Outline:

This course is meant to introduce you to writing mathematical proofs, as well as aquaint you with some math topics beyond calculus. Many of you will go on to study these topics in more depth in future courses, and the hope is that having been exposed to the topics in this course will help you.

Basic Plan:

We will try to cover Chapters 1-4, 12-13, and 6-7 in our book, which are roughly structured as follows: Note: The book is written in a conversational style and sometimes goes off a bit on tangents. We will likely ignore these tangents, and I will inform you when that happens. You are, however, welcome to read everything in the chapters above and beyond!
Detailed Plan:

The following is a rough outline of what we will be doing in lecture every day, along with the relevant sections in the book (note that the reading for a given lecture should be taken to mean the relevant section of the mentioned chapter). In reality, we may move faster or slower. It will be updated on a regular basis.
Some supplementary notes:

Homework assignments:

Graded homeworks can be picked up in office hours or in class on Wednesdays. Graded midterms can be picked up in office hours.

Instructions in event of emergency