print(`This is a Maple package companion to the paper titled`): print(`"New enumeration formulas for alternating sign matrices and square ice partition functions",`): print(`by Arvind Ayyer & Dan Romik.`): print(`The package implements the explicit formulas for refined enumeration of alternating sign matrices`): print(`and enables the user to compare these formulas with a brute force counting algorithm.`): print(`Type Help(); to view available procedures`): print(`or Help(procedure_name); to view details of the procedure.`): Help := proc() if nops([args])=0 then print(`Procedures available are:`): print(`Asm, Asmn, Top,`): print(`TopLeft, GenTopLeft, VerifyTopLeft,`): print(`TopBot, GenTopBot, VerifyTopBot,`): print(`TopTop, GenTopTop, VerifyTopTop,`): print(`TopLeftBot, GenTopLeftBot, VerifyTopLeftBot,`): print(`TopLeftBotRight, GenTopLeftBotRight, VerifyTopLeftBotRight`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`Asm` then print(`Asm(k): lists all the ASMs of size k`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`Asmn` then print(`Asmn(n): returns the number of ASMs of size n`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`Top` then print(`Top(n, k): returns the number of ASMs of size n with a 1 at (1,k)`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`TopLeft` then print(`TopLeft(n,i,j): counts (by brute force) all the ASMs of size n with a 1 at (1,i) and (j,1)`): print(`(This works in a reasonable time only for n<7)`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`GenTopLeft` then print(`GenTopLeft(n,i,j): computes the number of ASMs of size n with a 1 at (1,i) and (j,1) using the explicit formula from the paper`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`VerifyTopLeft` then print(`VerifyTopLeft(n,i,j): Verifies the Top-Left formula at size n by comparing the brute force count to`): print(`the explicit formula (use only for n<7). It will return a zero if correct.`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`TopBot` then print(`TopBot(n,i,j): counts (by brute force) all the ASMs of size n with a 1 at (1,i) and (n,j)`): print(`(This works in a reasonable time only for n<7)`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`GenTopBot` then print(`GenTopBot(n,i,j): computes the number of ASMs of size n with a 1 at (1,i) and (n,j) using the explicit formula from the paper`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`VerifyTopBot` then print(`VerifyTopBot(n,i,j): Verifies the Top-Bot formula at size n by comparing the brute force count to`): print(`the explicit formula (use only for n<7). It will return a zero if correct.`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`TopTop` then print(`TopTop(n,i,j): counts (by brute force) all the ASMs of size n whose sum of the first two rows has a 1 in columns i and j`): print(`(This works in a reasonable time only for n<7)`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`GenTopTop` then print(`GenTopTop(n,i,j): computes the number of ASMs of size n whose sum of the first two rows has a 1 in columns i and j using the explicit formula from the paper`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`VerifyTopTop` then print(`VerifyTopTop(n,i,j): Verifies the Top-Top formula at size n by comparing the brute force count to`): print(`the explicit formula (use only for n<7). It will return a zero if correct.`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`TopLeftBot` then print(`TopLeftBot(n,i,j,k): counts (by brute force) all the ASMs of size n with a 1 at (1,i), (j,1) and (n,k)`): print(`(This works in a reasonable time only for n<7)`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`GenTopLeftBot` then print(`GenTopLeftBot(n,i,j,k): computes the number of ASMs of size n with a 1 at (1,i), (j,1) and (n,k) using the explicit formula from the paper`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`VerifyTopLeftBot` then print(`VerifyTopLeftBot(n,x): Verifies the Top-Bot-Left formula at size n by comparing the brute force count to`): print(`the explicit formula (use only for n<7). It will return a zero if correct.`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`TopLeftBotRight` then print(`TopLeftBotRight(n,i,j,k,l): counts (by brute force) all the ASMs of size n with a 1 at (1,i), (j,1), (n,k) and (l,n)`): print(`(This works in a reasonable time only for n<7)`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`GenTopLeftBotRight` then print(`GenTopLeftBotRight(n,i,j,k,l): computes the number of ASMs of size n with a 1 at (1,i), (j,1), (n,k) and (l,n) using the explicit formula from the paper`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`VerifyTopLeftBotRight` then print(`VerifyTopLeftBotRight(n,x): Verifies the Top-Bot-Left-Right formula at size n by comparing the brute force count to`): print(`the explicit formula (use only for n<7). It will return a zero if correct.`): fi: end: with(LinearAlgebra): #################Refined enumeration counting############## #Top(n,k) returns the number of ASMS with a[1,k]=1 Top := proc(n,k) local j: return `if`(k>n or k<1, 0,binomial(n+k-2,k-1)*(2*n-k-1)!/(n-k)!*mul((3*j+1)!/(n+j)!,j=0..n-2)): end: #TopBotMatrix(n) returns a matrix whose i,jth entry counts the number of asms with a[1,i]=a[n,j]=1 TopBotMatrix := proc(n) local i,j,A,a,M: A := Asm(n): M := Matrix(n): for a in A do for i from 1 to n do for j from 1 to n do if a[1,i]=1 and a[n,j]=1 then M[i,j]:=M[i,j]+1: fi: od: od: od: return M: end: #TopBot(n,i,j) returns the number of asms with a[1,i]=a[n,j]=1 TopBot := proc(n,i,j) local M: if i<1 or i>n or j<1 or j>n then return 0: fi: M := TopBotMatrix(n): return M[i,j]: end: #GenTopBot(n,i,j) generates TopBot(n,i,j) using Stroganov's formula GenTopBot := proc(n,i,j) local D1,s,t,k: if j (Top(n-1,t)*(Top(n,s+1)-Top(n,s))+Top(n-1,s)*(Top(n,t+1)-Top(n,t)))/Asmn(n-1): #return Top(n,j-i)+add(D1(n,k,j-i+k),k=1..i-1): return add(D1(n,k,j-i+k),k=0..i-1): end: #VerifyTopBot(n) verifies that the formula gives the correct answer VerifyTopBot := proc(n) local i,j: return {seq(seq(TopBot(n,i,j)-GenTopBot(n,i,j),i=1..n),j=1..n)}: end: #TopLeftMatrix(n) returns the number of asms with a[1,i]=a[j,1]=1 TopLeftMatrix := proc(n) local i,j,A,a,M: A := Asm(n): M := Matrix(n): for a in A do for i from 1 to n do for j from 1 to n do if a[1,i]=1 and a[j,1]=1 then M[i,j]:=M[i,j]+1: fi: od: od: od: return M: end: #TopLeft(n,i,j) returns a matrix whose i,jth entry counts the number of asms with a[1,i]=a[j,1]=1 TopLeft := proc(n,i,j) local M: M := TopLeftMatrix(n): return M[i,j]: end: #GenTopLeft(n,i,j) generates TopBot(n,i,j) using Stroganov's formula GenTopLeft := proc(n,i,j) local D,s,t,k: if j=1 and i=1 then return Asmn(n-1): elif i=1 and j>1 then return 0: elif j=1 and i>1 then return 0: fi: return binomial(i+j-4,i-2)*Asmn(n-1)-add(add(binomial(i+j-2-s-t,i-1-s)*GenTopBot(n,s,t),s=1..i-1),t=1..j-1): end: #VerifyTopLeft(n) verifies that the formula gives the correct answer VerifyTopLeft := proc(n) local i,j: return {seq(seq(TopLeft(n,i,j)-GenTopLeft(n,i,j),i=1..n),j=1..n)}: end: #TopTopMatrix(n) returns a matrix whose i,jth entry counts the number of asms with a[1,i]+a[2,i]=a[1,j]+a[2,j]=1 TopTopMatrix := proc(n) local i,j,A,a,M: A := Asm(n): M := Matrix(n): for a in A do for i from 1 to n do for j from 1 to n do if j>i and a[1,i]+a[2,i]=1 and a[1,j]+a[2,j]=1 then M[i,j]:=M[i,j]+1: fi: od: od: od: return M: end: #TopTop(n,i,j) returns the number of asms with a[1,i]+a[2,i]=a[1,j]+a[2,j]=1 TopTop := proc(n,i,j) local M: if j<=i then ERROR(`j has to be greater than i`): fi: M := TopTopMatrix(n): return M[i,j]: end: #GenTopTop(n,i,j) generates TopTop(n,i,j) using Stroganov's formula GenTopTop := proc(n,i,j) local E1,s,t,k: if j<=i then return 0: fi: E1 := (n,s,t) -> (Top(n-1,t)*(Top(n,s+1)-Top(n,s))-Top(n-1,s)*(Top(n,t+1)-Top(n,t)))/Asmn(n-1): return (j-i+1)*add(add((-1)^t*binomial(s,t)*E1(n,i+t,j+s),t=0..s),s=0..n-j): end: #VerifyTopTop(n) verifies that the formula gives the correct answer VerifyTopTop := proc(n) local i,j: return {seq(seq(TopTop(n,i,j)-GenTopTop(n,i,j),j=i+1..n),i=1..n)}: end: #TopLeftBotMatrix(n) returns the number of asms with a[1,i]=a[j,1]=a[n,k]=1 TopLeftBotMatrix := proc(n) local i,j,k,A,a,M: A := Asm(n): M := [[[0$n]$n]$n]: for a in A do for i from 1 to n do for j from 1 to n do for k from 1 to n do if a[1,i]=1 and a[j,1]=1 and a[n,k]=1 then M[i,j,k]:=M[i,j,k]+1: fi: od: od: od: od: return M: end: #TopLeftBot(n,i,j,k) returns a matrix whose i,jth entry counts the number of asms with a[1,i]=a[j,1]=a[n,k]=1 TopLeftBot := proc(n,i,j,k) local M: M := TopLeftBotMatrix(n): return M[i,j,k]: end: #GenTopLeftBot(n,i,j,k) generates TopLeftBot(n,i,j,k) using the new formula GenTopLeftBot := proc(n,i,j,k) local s,t,x,ans2,A: if i=1 then if j=1 then return Top(n-1,k-1): else return 0: fi: elif k=1 then if j=n then return Top(n-1,i-1): else return 0: fi: elif j=1 then if i=1 then return Top(n-1,k-1): else return 0: fi: elif j=n then if k=1 then return Top(n-1,i-1): else return 0: fi: fi: A := (n,i,x)->`if`(i=1,add(Top(n,s)*x^(s-1),s=1..n), `if`(i=2,add(Top(n-1,s)*x^(s),s=1..n-1), add((-2*(n-s+3)*Top(n-1,s-3)+(5*n-4*s+6)*Top(n-1,s-2) +(n+4*s-6)*Top(n-1,s-1)-2*s*Top(n-1,s))*x^(s-1),s=1..n+2))): ans2 := 1/8/Asmn(n)^2/(2*n-2)*(((n-2)!*(3*n-2)!)/((2*n-3)!*(2*n-1)!))^2 *Determinant(Matrix(3,(i,j)->(x[j]-1)^(3-i)*A(n,i,x[j])))/(x[1]-x[2])/(x[1]-x[3])/(x[2]-x[3]): ans2 := ans2-(1-x[3]+x[2]*x[3])*x[2]^(n-2)*add(Top(n-1,s-1)*x[3]^(n-s),s=2..n): ans2 := ans2-(1-x[2]+x[1]*x[2])*x[3]^(n-1)*add(Top(n-1,t-1)*x[1]^(t-2),t=2..n): ans2 := factor(ans2/(1-x[2]+x[1]*x[2])/(1-x[3]+x[2]*x[3])): return coeftayl(ans2,[x[1],x[2],x[3]]=[0,0,0],[i-2,n-1-j,n-k]): end: #VerifyTopLeftBot(n) verifies that the formula gives the correct answer VerifyTopLeftBot := proc(n) local i,j: return {seq(seq(seq(TopLeftBot(n,i,j,k)-GenTopLeftBot(n,i,j,k),i=1..n),j=1..n),k=1..n)}: end: #TopLeftBotRightMatrix(n) returns a matrix whose i,jth entry counts the number of asms with a[1,i]=a[j,1]=a[n,k]=a[l,n]=1 TopLeftBotRightMatrix := proc(n) local i,j,k,l,A,a,M: A := Asm(n): M := [[[[0$n]$n]$n]$n]: for a in A do for i from 1 to n do for j from 1 to n do for k from 1 to n do for l from 1 to n do if a[1,i]=1 and a[j,1]=1 and a[n,k]=1 and a[l,n]=1 then M[i,j,k,l]:=M[i,j,k,l]+1: fi: od: od: od: od: od: return M: end: #TopLeftBotRight(n,i,j,k,l) returns a matrix whose i,jth entry counts the number of asms with a[1,i]=a[j,1]=a[n,k]=a[l,n]=1 TopLeftBotRight := proc(n,i,j,k,l) local M: M := TopLeftBotRightMatrix(n): return M[i,j,k,l]: end: #GenTopLeftBotRight(n,i,j,k,l) generates TopLeftBotRight(n,i,j,k,l) using the new formula GenTopLeftBotRight := proc(n,i,j,k,l) local s,t,u,v,x,ans,ans2,A,dn1,dn: if i=1 then if j=1 then return GenTopLeft(n-1,n+1-k,n+1-l): else return 0: fi: elif i=n then if l=1 then return GenTopLeft(n-1,k,n+1-j): else return 0: fi: elif j=1 then if i=1 then return GenTopLeft(n-1,n+1-k,n+1-l): else return 0: fi: elif j=n then if k=1 then return GenTopLeft(n-1,n+1-i,l): else return 0: fi: elif k=1 then if j=n then return GenTopLeft(n-1,n+1-i,l): else return 0: fi: elif k=n then if l=n then return GenTopLeft(n-1,i,j): else return 0: fi: elif l=1 then if i=n then return GenTopLeft(n-1,k,n+1-j): else return 0: fi: elif l=n then if k=n then return Top(n-1,i,j): else return 0: fi: fi: A := (n,i,x)->`if`(i=1,add(Top(n,s)*x^(s-1),s=1..n), `if`(i=2,add(Top(n-1,s)*x^(s),s=1..n-1), `if`(i=3,add((-2*(n-s+3)*Top(n-1,s-3)+(5*n-4*s+6)*Top(n-1,s-2) +(n+4*s-6)*Top(n-1,s-1)-2*s*Top(n-1,s))*x^(s-1),s=1..n+2), add((4*(n+4-s)*(n+5-s)*Top(n-1,s-5) -4*(n+4-s)*(5*n+11-4*s)*Top(n-1,s-4) +(240-172*s+32*s^2+120*n-52*s*n+21*n^2)*Top(n-1,s-3) -2*(80-80*s+20*s^2+42*n-20*s*n-5*n^2)*Top(n-1,s-2) +(64-84*s+32*s^2-4*n-12*s*n+n^2)*Top(n-1,s-1) -4*s*(n-5+4*s)*Top(n-1,s) +4*s*(s+1)*Top(n-1,s+1))*x^(s-1),s=1..n+3)))): ans2 := factor(1/64/Asmn(n)^3/(2*n-2)^2/(2*n-3)*(((n-2)!*(3*n-2)!)/((2*n-3)!*(2*n-1)!))^3 *Determinant(Matrix(4,(s,t)->(x[s]-1)^(4-t)*A(n,t,x[s])))/mul(mul((x[s]-x[t]),t=s+1..4),s=1..3)): #2-Boundary terms ans2 := ans2-mul(1-x[s+1]+x[s]*x[s+1],s=2..3)*(1-x[1]+x[1]*x[4])*x[2]^(n-2)* add(add(GenTopLeft(n-1,n+1-s,n+1-t)*x[3]^(n-1-s)*x[4]^(t-2),s=2..n-1),t=2..n-1): ans2 := ans2-(1-x[2]+x[1]*x[2])*(1-x[4]+x[3]*x[4])*(1-x[1]+x[1]*x[4])*x[3]^(n-2)* add(add(GenTopLeft(n-1,n+1-s,t)*x[1]^(s-2)*x[4]^(t-2),s=2..n-1),t=2..n-1): ans2 := ans2-(1-x[2]+x[1]*x[2])*(1-x[3]+x[2]*x[3])*(1-x[1]+x[1]*x[4])*x[4]^(n-2)* add(add(GenTopLeft(n-1,s,t)*x[1]^(s-2)*x[2]^(n-1-t),s=2..n-1),t=2..n-1): ans2 := ans2-(1-x[2]+x[1]*x[2])*(1-x[3]+x[2]*x[3])*(1-x[4]+x[3]*x[4])*x[1]^(n-2)* add(add(GenTopLeft(n-1,t,n+1-s)*x[2]^(n-1-s)*x[3]^(n-1-t),s=2..n-1),t=2..n-1): #4-Boundary terms ans2 := ans2-Asmn(n-2)*x[2]^(n-2)*x[4]^(n-2)*(1-x[3]+x[2]*x[3])*(1-x[1]+x[4]*x[1]) -Asmn(n-2)*x[1]^(n-2)*x[3]^(n-2)*(1-x[2]+x[1]*x[2])*(1-x[4]+x[3]*x[4]): ans2 := factor(ans2/(1-x[1]+x[4]*x[1])/(1-x[2]+x[1]*x[2])/(1-x[3]+x[2]*x[3])/(1-x[4]+x[3]*x[4])): #return factor(ans/ans2): return coeftayl(ans2,[x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4]]=[0,0,0,0],[i-2,n-1-j,n-1-k,l-2]): end: #VerifyTopLeftBotRight(n) checks that the conjectured formula for Top-Left-Bot-Right #enumeration is correct VerifyTopLeftBotRight := proc(n) local i,j,k,l: return {seq(seq(seq(seq(TopLeftBot(n,i,j,k)-GenTopLeftBot(n,i,j,k),i=1..n),j=1..n),k=1..n),l=1..n)}: end: ##################Procedures from ROBBINS by Doron Zeilberger######### #Asm(n) returns the ASMs of size n Asm := proc(n) local gogs, asms: gogs := GOGset(n,n): asms := {seq(Matrix(op(GOGTOASM(op(i,gogs)))),i=1..nops(gogs))}: return asms: end: ASM:=proc(k) local i,gu,asm: gu:=GOGset(k,k): print(`There are`, nops(gu),`Alternating Sign Matrices of size`,k): print(`Here they all are:`): for i from 1 to nops(gu) do asm:=GOGTOASM(op(i,gu)): print(op(asm)): od: end: #GOGa(k,n,a) gives the set of k by n Gog-trapezoids such that #the rightmost border is the vector a GOGa:=proc(k,n,a) local pip,kvu,firow,b,mu,gu,i,j,l,trap,trap1: if not k>=1 or not n>=k or not nops(a)=k then ERROR(`Improper intput`): fi: if n=k and k=1 then if not op(1,a)=1 then RETURN({}): else RETURN({[[1]]}): fi: fi: if n=k then if not op(1,a)=k then ERROR(`Wrong input`): fi: mu:=GOGa(k-1,k,[op(2..k,a)]): gu:={}: for i from 1 to nops(mu) do trap1:=op(i,mu): firow:=op(1,trap1): gu:=gu union {[[op(firow),k],op(2..k,trap1)]}: od: RETURN(gu): fi: gu:={}: kvu:=Tkn(k,n,a): for pip from 1 to nops(kvu) do b:=op(pip,kvu): mu:=GOGa(k,n-1,b): for j from 1 to nops(mu) do trap:=op(j,mu): trap1:=[op(1..n-k,trap)]: for l from n-k+1 to n-1 do trap1:=[op(trap1),[op(op(l,trap)),op(l-(n-k),a)]]: od: trap1:=[op(trap1),[op(k,a)]]: gu:=gu union {trap1}: od: od: gu: end: GOG:=proc(k,n) local i,gu,lu: lu:=LOGOG(k,n): gu:={}: for i from 1 to nops(lu) do gu:=gu union GOGa(k,n,op(i,lu)): od: gu: print(`The number of Gog Trapezoids with k=`,k,`and n=`,n,`equals`,nops(gu)): print(`Here they all are`): for i from 1 to nops(gu) do yafe(op(i,gu)): lprint(``): od: gu: end: GOGset:=proc(k,n) local i,gu,lu: lu:=LOGOG(k,n): gu:={}: for i from 1 to nops(lu) do gu:=gu union GOGa(k,n,op(i,lu)): od: gu: gu: end: GOGTOASM:=proc(mt) local k,mat,mat1,ro,i,j: k:=nops(mt): mat:=array(1..k,1..k): mat1:=array(1..k,1..k): for i from 1 to k do for j from 1 to k do mat[i,j]:=0: od: od: for i from 1 to k do ro:=op(i,mt): for j from 1 to nops(ro) do mat[i,op(j,ro)]:=1: od: od: for i from 1 to k-1 do for j from 1 to k do mat1[i,j]:=mat[i,j]-mat[i+1,j]: od: for j from 1 to k do mat1[k,j]:=mat[k,j]: od: od: mat1: end: DECSEQ:=proc(k,n) local gu,gu1,i1: option remember: if n=1 and k=1 then RETURN({[1]}): fi: if k=0 and n>=1 then RETURN({[]}): fi: if n<1 or k<1 then RETURN({}): fi: gu:=DECSEQ(k,n-1): gu1:=DECSEQ(k-1,n): for i1 from 1 to nops(gu1) do gu:=gu union {[n,op(op(i1,gu1))]}: od: gu: end: DECSEQ0:=proc(k,n) local gu,gu1,i1: option remember: if n=0 and k=1 then RETURN({[0]}): fi: if k=0 and n>=1 then RETURN({[]}): fi: if n<0 or k<1 then RETURN({}): fi: gu:=DECSEQ0(k,n-1): gu1:=DECSEQ0(k-1,n): for i1 from 1 to nops(gu1) do gu:=gu union {[n,op(op(i1,gu1))]}: od: gu: end: LOGOG:=proc(k,n) local gu,gu1,i,i1,vec,nakh: if not k>=1 or not n>=k then RETURN({}): fi: gu1:=DECSEQ(k,n): gu:={}: for i from 1 to nops(gu1) do vec:=op(i,gu1): nakh:=1: for i1 from 1 to k do if not op(i1,vec)>=k-i1+1 then nakh:=0: exit: fi: od: if nakh=1 then gu:=gu union {vec}: fi: od: gu: end: ELOGOG:=proc(k,n) local gu,gu1,i,i1,vec,nakh: if not k>=1 or not n>=k then RETURN({}): fi: gu1:=DECSEQ0(k,n+1): gu:={}: for i from 1 to nops(gu1) do vec:=op(i,gu1): nakh:=1: if op(1,vec)=n+1 and op(2,vec)>n then nakh:=0: fi: if op(1,vec)=n and n=k and op(2,vec)=k then nakh:=0: fi: for i1 from 1 to k do if not op(i1,vec)>=k-i1 then nakh:=0: exit: fi: od: if nakh=1 then gu:=gu union {vec}: fi: od: gu: end: #Tkn gives the set T_k(n;a), where a=[a_1, ..., a_k] defined in the #proof of Tkn:=proc(k,n,a) local nakh,i1,b,i,gu,mu: mu:=DECSEQ(k,n-1): gu:={}: for i from 1 to nops(mu) do b:=op(i,mu): nakh:=1: for i1 from 1 to 1 do if not ( k-i1+1<=op(i1,b) and op(i1,b)<=op(i1,a) ) then nakh:=0: fi: od: for i1 from 2 to k do if not ( k-i1+1<=op(i1,b) and op(i1,b)<=min( op(i1,a),op(i1-1,a)-1 ) ) then nakh:=0: fi: od: if nakh=1 then gu:=gu union {b}: fi: od: gu: end: