MAT 21D: VECTOR ANALYSIS - Spring 2018


Thomas Strohmer
Office: MSB 3144
Office hours: M 2:10 - 3:00 p.m., W 2:10pm - 3:00pm

Text and Course Outline:

Thomas' CALCULUS Early Transcendentals , 13th Edition, by Weir, Hass, and Giordano. Because MyMathLab will not be a required part of the course, you do not need to buy the "media upgrade". The course will essentially cover chapters 13, 15, and 16. A detailed syllabus can be found here.

Class Meeting Times:

Lectures: MWF 3:10 - 4:00 pm, Everson 176

Discussion Sessions:

Discussion sessions start on April 12.

Teaching Assistants:

You can attend office hours of any TA, regardless of which discussions session you are in.

Kevin Lamb (Lead-TA) E-mail:
Office hours: M 12-1pm. Office: MSB 2131.

Shaofeng Deng: E-mail:
Office hours: T 2-3pm. Office: MSB 3217.

Junda Sheng: E-mail:
Office hours: R 2-3pm. Office: MSB 2232.

To better accomodate the diverse schedules of our students, we offer a Calculus Room for all 21ABCD students. The TAs Shaofeng Deng and Junda Sheng below will also be present at the Calculus rooms. The Calculus Room is located on campus at the Mathematical Sciences Building, Room 1118,

Homework Assignments can be found here

Exam Dates:

There will be NO MAKEUP EXAMS.

Grading Policy:

Class participation:

Active participation during lectures can improve the grade in borderline cases.


15-minute quizzes will be given in the beginning of (almost) every discussion session. The quiz will cover the material from the previous week. The TA will grade the quizzes and return them to you one week later.


Homework will be assigned weekly, but I will not collect and grade it. Doing the homework is the best and most efficient way to learn the material. As additional motivation to do the homework, there will at least be one homework problem on each quiz in the discussion session and at least one homework problem on the midterm and the final exam.