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The following problems involve the integration of exponential functions. We will assume knowledge of the following well-known differentiation formulas :

$ \displaystyle{ D \{ e^x \} = e^x } $ ,

where $ e \approx 2.71828 $ , and

$ \displaystyle{ D \{ a^x \} = a^x \ln a } $ ,

where a is any positive constant not equal to 1 and $ \ln a $ is the natural (base e) logarithm of a . These formulas lead immediately to the following indefinite integrals :

As you do the following problems, remember these three general rules for integration :

$ \displaystyle{ \int x^n \,dx } = { x^{n+1} \over n+1 } + C $ ,

where n is any constant not equal to -1,

$ \displaystyle{ \int k f(x) \,dx } = k \displaystyle{ \int f(x) \,dx } $ ,

where k is any constant, and

$ \displaystyle{ \int ( f(x) \pm g(x) ) \,dx } = \displaystyle{ \int f(x) \,dx } \pm \displaystyle{ \int g(x) \,dx } $ .

Because the integral

$ \displaystyle{ \int e^{kx} \,dx } $ ,

where k is any nonzero constant, appears so often in the following set of problems, we will find a formula for it now using u-substitution so that we don't have to do this simple process each time. Begin by letting


so that

du = k dx ,


(1/k)du = dx .

Now substitute into the original problem, replacing all forms of x, and getting

$ \displaystyle{ \int e^{kx} \,dx } = \displaystyle{ \int e^{u} \, (1/k) du } $

$ = \displaystyle{ (1/k) \int e^{u} \, du } $

$ = \displaystyle{ (1/k) e^{u} + C } $

$ = \displaystyle{ (1/k) e^{kx} + C } $ .

We now have the following variation of formula 1.) :

3. $ \displaystyle{ \int e^{kx} \,dx } = \displaystyle{ (1/k) e^{kx} + C } $ .

The following often-forgotten, misused, and unpopular rules for exponents will also be helpful :

$ \displaystyle{ R^M R^N = R^{M+N}} $


$ \displaystyle{ { R^M \over R^N } = R^{M-N}} $ .

Most of the following problems are average. A few are challenging. Knowledge of the method of u-substitution will be required on many of the problems. Make precise use of the differential notation dx and du and always be careful when arithmetically and algebraically simplifying expressions.

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Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Please e-mail any correspondence to Duane Kouba by clicking on the following address :

Duane Kouba