MAT 21 A, Spring 2017


Instructor: Eugene Gorsky, egorskiy AT
Office hours: MWF 2 -3pm at Math 2113
If you have a question and cannot come at office hours, write me an email to schedule an appointment.

Teaching Assistants:
Henry Kvinge (A01,A03), hkvinge AT, OH:
Eric Samperton (A02), egsamp AT, OH: Thu 3-4pm in Math 1118.

Calculus Room schedule: RM 1118, Mathematical Sciences Building
M-R 1-7pm, F 1-6pm
More details here .

Student Academic Success Center Drop-In Tutoring:
16 South Hall, MTWR 9 am-5 pm, F 9 am - 12 pm
More details here .

General course information


The textbook for the course is Thomas' Calculus (13th edition).
We will use the electronic version of the textbook bundled with MyMathLab (see below).

Math Placement Requirement

All students enrolled in this course must fulfill the Math Placement Requirement . Your total score for the Math Placement Exam should be 35 points or more , with Trigonometry sub-score 3 or more . You will be administratively dropped from this course if you have not met the Mathematics Placement Requirement.

Final exam

The Final will be on Tuesday, June 13, 8:00-10:00 a.m. It will cover sections 1-4 of the textbook.

Practice problems: problems,answers.

Weighed average computation:
1. Add all your paper homework grades and your online homework grades.
2. Your weighed average is

0.4*(Final grade)/100+0.2*(1st midterm)/37+0.2*(2nd midterm)/50+0.2*(homework grade)/700.

Course grade table:
Letter grade F C C+ B- B B+ A- A
Weighted average 0-50 50-60 60-65 65-70 70-80 80-85 85-90 90-100

Midterm 2

Midterm 2 will be in class on Wednesday, May 17. It will cover sections 3 and 4.1 of the textbook.

Practice problems:

Midterm 1

Midterm 1 will be in class on Wednesday, April 26. It will cover sections 1 and 2 of the textbook.

Practice problems:

Final grade and exams

There will be two midterms on Wednesday, April 26 and on Wednesday, May 17.
The Final will be on Tuesday, June 13, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
The final grade is based on your grades for the homework, midterms and the final:

Homework Midterm I Midterm II Final Exam
20% 20% 20% 40%


The homework consists of two parts: paper homework and MyMathLab. Paper homework should be handed in before the start of Friday lecture. It must be legible, and written in connected sentences that explains what you are doing. Just the answer (whether correct or not) is not enough. ease put your name on every page and staple the pages together. Homework should be handed in on time, late homework will not be graded.

Though it is fine to discuss the HW problems with others, you must always write up the solutions in your own words. Copying will be penalized. Of course, in the exams you must work on your own: no calculators, textbooks etc will be allowed.

MyMathLab homework is done online and is graded automatically. The course ID is gorskiy82565 . The instructions for the course registration can be found here.

Week Sections Written
Apr 3, 5, 7 1.1-1.6 HW 1 , Solutions
Apr 10, 12, 14 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 HW 2 , Solutions
Apr 17. 19, 21 2.5-2.6 HW 3 , Solutions
Apr 24, 26, 28 Review, midterm on Apr 26; 3.1-3.2
May 1, 3, 5 3.3-3.5 HW 4 , Solutions
May 8, 10, 12 3.6-3.8 HW 5 , Solutions
May 15, 17, 19 Review, midterm on May 17
May 22, 24, 26 3.9, 4.1, 4.2 HW 6 , Solutions
May 31, Jun 2 4.3-4.4 No class on May 29 (Memorial Day)
HW 7 , Solutions
Jun 5, 7 4.5-4.7

Disability Services

Any student with a documented disability who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Student Disability Center (SDC). Faculty are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the SDC. If you have any questions, please contact the SDC at (530)752-3184 or