Contact and Symplectic Topology

Fall Quarter 2021

University of California Davis
Department of Mathematics

This is the website for the topics course MAT280 at the Department of Mathematics at UC Davis.
For general audience resources to contact and symplectic topology, see the AMS articles:

- Contact and Symplectic Topology (2021),
- What is a Legendrian knot? (2009), by J. Sabloff.
- Knots and contact structures (2009), by V. Vértesi.
- Symplectic Structures (1998), by D. McDuff.
- Caustique mystique (1986) in French, by D. Bennequin.

See also Invariants of Legendrian Submanifolds from Contact Homology, by J. Sabloff, and please see below for both introductory and specialized resources. The course focuses on the study of Legendrian submanifolds and Weinstein domains. In particular, we will discuss Floer-theoretic invariants, microlocal sheaf theory and the recent developments [CG20],[CZ21],[C21],[CN21],[GSW20] on Lagrangian skeleta.