Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis Reading
Seminar (Fall, 2003)
Course: MAT 298
CRN: 79345
Class: Friday 2:10pm-4:00pm, 593 Kerr
Organizer: Naoki Saito
Office: 675 Kerr
Phone: 754-2121
To participants: Please try to download the papers and read them before
the actual seminars!
Due to the availability of the rooms, we will start this seminar from
October 10.
October 10: Naoki Saito
- M. Kac: Can one hear the shape of a drum? Amer.
Math. Monthly, vol.73, pp.1-23, 1966.
Below are some related and more recent papers: - M. H. Protter: Can one hear the shape of a
drum? Revisited, SIAM Review, vol.29, no.2, pp.185-197, 1987.
- S. J. Chapman: Drums that sound the
same, Amer. Math. Monthly,
vol.102, pp.124-138, 1988.
- T. A. Driscoll: Eigenmodes of
isospectral drums, SIAM Review, vol.39, no.1, pp.1-17, 1997.
October 17: Jim Zhao
October 24: Katsu Yamatani
- M. Wakin, J. Romberg, H. Choi,
and R. Baraniuk: Geometric methods for wavelet-based image compression,
in Wavelets X, Proc. SPIE, vol. 5207, 2003, to
- J. Romberg, M. B. Wakin,
and R. G. Baraniuk: Approximation and compression of piecewise smooth
images using a wavelet/wedgelet geometric model, Proc. Intern. Conf.
Image Proc., 2003, to appear.
October 31: Thomas Strohmer ==>
changed to Scott Beaver as below
October 31: Scott Beaver
November 7: No meeting
November 14: Allen Xue
November 21: Hong Xiao
November 28: Noel Smith
Please email
me if you have any comments or questions!
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