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Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar

Special Events

Speaker: R.Bamler, M.Lindsey, G.Martins, S.Dey, G. Kuperberg
Related Webpage:
Location: 1147 MSB
Start time: Sat, Apr 15 2017, 10:00AM

10:00–11:00: Reception, Morning Coffee
11:00-12:00: Richard Bamler (UC Berkeley)
Uniqueness of weak solutions to the Ricci flow

12:00–2:00 Lunch

2:00–3:30 Grad student talks:
2:00: Michael Lindsey (UC Berkeley)
Optimal transport via a Monge-Ampere optimization problem
2:30: Gabriel Martins (UCSC)
Magnetic traps in 2 dimensions
3:00 Subhadip Dey (UC Davis)
Spherical metrics with conical singularities on the 2-sphere
3:30–4:00 Afternoon Tea-Coffee 4:00–5:00 Greg Kuperberg (UC Davis)
The Cartan-Hadamard Problem and the Little Prince

5:45 Dinner

Participants and significant others are invited to a dinner to be arranged at a local restaurant on Saturday evening. The cost of the dinner will be reduced or free for participants. (Please email if you are coming)