General Profile


Naoki Saito

Applied & Computational Harmonic Analysis
Ph.D., 1994, Yale University

Web Page:
Office: PDSB 1011
Current Courses: MAT 180, MAT 207B
Office Hours: MW 2:15-3:15p @ 1011 PDSB or by appointment (zoom)
Phone: 530-754-2121


Naoki Saito’s research focus has been on applied and computational harmonic analysis, which is a discipline to study:

  1. efficient, meaningful, and interpretable representations of data objects (e.g., signals and images) and operators (e.g., singular integral operators) defined on various domains (e.g., regular lattices; manifolds; or graphs);
  2. fast computational algorithms to operate on them; and
  3. their wide-range applications including those in computer science, electrical engineering, geophysics, neuroscience, and statistics.

Selected publications

  1. A. Cloninger, H. Li, and N. Saito, "Natural graph wavelet packet dictionaries," special issue on Harmonic Analysis on Combinatorial Graphs, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 27, Article #41, 2021.
  2. J. Irion and N. Saito, "Efficient approximation and denoising of graph signals using the multiscale basis dictionaries," IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 3(3), 607-616, 2017.
  3. Y. Nakatsukasa, N. Saito, and E. Woei, "Mysteries around the graph Laplacian eigenvalue 4," Linear Algebra and its Applications, 438(8), 3231-3246, 2013.
  4. N. Saito, " Data analysis and representation on a general domain using eigenfunctions of Laplacian," Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 25(1), 68-97, 2008.
  5. K. Yamatani and N. Saito, "Improvement of DCT-based compression algorithms using Poisson's equation," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 15(12), 3672-3689, 2006.
  6. N. Saito, R. R. Coifman, F. B. Geshwind, and F. Warner, "Discriminant feature extraction using empirical probability density estimation and a local basis library," Pattern Recognition, 35(12), 2841-2852, 2002.
  7. N. Saito, "Image approximation and modeling via least statistically-dependent bases," Pattern Recognition, 34(9), 1765-1784, 2001.
  8. N. Saito and R. R. Coifman, "Local discriminant bases and their applications," Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 5(4), 337-358, 1995.
  9. N. Saito, "Simultaneous noise suppression and signal compression using a library of orthonormal bases and the minimum description length criterion," in Wavelets in Geophysics (E. Foufoula-Georgiou and P. Kumar, eds.), Chap. XI, 299-324, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1994.
  10. N. Saito and G. Beylkin, "Multiresolution representations using the auto-correlation functions of compactly supported wavelets," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 41(12), 3584-3590, 1993; Erratum: 45(3), 768, 1997.

Honors and Awards

  • Election to Life Senior membership of IEEE, Jan. 2024.
  • Best Author Award from the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM), Sep. 2016.
  • JSIAM Letters Best Paper Award (jointly with Jeff Irion) from the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM), Sep. 2016.
  • Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), Oct. 2000.
  • Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, Feb. 2000.
  • Election to Senior membership of IEEE, Dec. 1999.
  • The Henri G. Doll Award (the highest honor in the technical papers within the Schlumberger organization), Jun. 1997.
  • Best Paper Award for the Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing II, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, International Symposium, Jul. 1994.

Last updated: 2024-09-20