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Understanding Representations of Lie and Quantum Groups Using Spiders

Student-Run Research Seminar

Speaker: Colin Hagemeyer, UC Davis
Location: 2112 MSB
Start time: Wed, Oct 17 2018, 12:10PM

Understanding Representations of Lie and Quantum Groups Using Spiders

Spiders are an approach to understanding the representation category of
Lie and Quantum groups using generators and relators. Developed by Greg
Kuperberg, spiders generalize the Temperley-Lieb category/algebra to
higher rank groups, and provide hope for a uniform approach to all
semisimple cases. For this talk, I will discuss what spiders are and
where they come from with particular focus on the case of the Lie group
SL(4). If time allows, I will discuss some of my own results regarding a
generalization of confluence.

Due to time constraints, we will work with the Lie group instead of the
quantum group (although I'll mention how to convert for those who know
what a quantum group is). I will attempt to make this talk accessible to
anyone who's heard of (abstract) groups and tensor products, but
knowledge of general representation theory and more specifically the
representation theory of SL(n) will probably be helpful.

Register for pizza here.