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Schubert calculus and Lagrangian correspondences

Algebraic Geometry

Speaker: Iva Halacheva, Northeastern University
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Location: Virtual MSB
Start time: Wed, Nov 4 2020, 12:00PM

For a reductive algebraic group G, a natural question is to consider the inclusions of partial flag varieties H/Q into G/P and their pullbacks in equivariant cohomology, in terms of Schubert classes. We will look at the case of the symplectic and usual Grassmannian, and describe the pullback map combinatorially using puzzles. A generalization of this construction involves Maulik-Okounkov classes and cotangent bundles of the Grassmannians, with Lagrangian correspondences playing a key role. This is joint work with Allen Knutson and Paul Zinn-Justin.