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Microlocal sheaves on arboreal Weinstein skeleta

Student-Run Research Seminar

Speaker: Shanon Rubin, UC Davis
Location: 3240 MSB
Start time: Thu, Oct 7 2021, 11:00AM

Calculating invariants of Weinstein manifolds is a concrete goal of much recent research in symplectic topology. With the modern development of microlocal sheaf theory, there has been interest in defining categories of sheaves on Weinstein manifolds with given microlocal supports and proving invariance with respect to Weinstein homotopy or Hamiltonian isotopy. The goal of this project is to calculate explicit presentations for these categories for particular families of Weinstein manifolds whose skeleta have only arboreal singularities. It is commonly believed that, given a Weinstein manifold $W$, there is a stack of microlocal sheaf categories whose global sections yield a category equivalent to the (traditional or wrapped) Fukaya category of $W$. Assuming this conjecture, the results of our project would provide an algebraic description of some Fukaya categories.