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The Grothendieck Ring of Certain Non-Noetherian Group-Graded Algebras via Hilbert Series

Algebraic Geometry

Speaker: Nathaniel Gallup
Location: 2112 MSB
Start time: Wed, Nov 15 2023, 3:10PM

With the goal of computing the Grothendieck group of certain multigraded infinite polynomial rings and the $K$-series of infinite matrix Schubert spaces, we introduce a new type of $\Gamma$-graded $k$-algebra (which we call a PDCF algebra) and a new type of graded module (a BDF module) over said algebra. Since infinite polynomial rings are not Noetherian and the modules of interest are not finitely generated, we compensate by requiring certain finiteness properties of the grading. If $R$ is a PDCF $\Gamma$-graded $k$-algebra, we prove that every projective BDF $\Gamma$-graded $R$-module is free, and that when the graded maximal ideal of $R$ is generated by a regular sequence, a BDF analog of the Hilbert Syzygy Theorem holds: every BDF $R$-module has a free resolution of BDF $R$-modules which, though not finite, has the property that each graded piece is eventually zero. We use this to show that the Grothendieck group of projective BDF $R$-modules (defined similarly to $K_0(R)$) is isomorphic to the Grothendieck group of all BDF $R$-modules (defined similarly to $G_0(R)$). We describe this Grothendieck group explicitly by using $K$-series to give an isomorphism with a certain space of formal Laurent series. Finally we give a BDF version of Serre's formula for the product in the Grothendieck group, making it into a ring. The talk is based on the results in this paper: