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How to glue categories using homotopy theory: symplectic surfaces via graphs

Student-Run Research Seminar

Speaker: Shanon Rubin, UC Davis
Location: 3106 MSB
Start time: Wed, Jan 17 2024, 1:10PM

In this talk I will give a broad overview of my thesis results. The story begins with an attempt to understand an open symplectic surface by retracting it to a trivalent graph. After giving the geometric motivation for this procedure with some examples, I'll explain how to turn this trivalent graph into a homotopy limit of differential-graded categories. From there, we'll discuss the general idea behind homotopy-invariant constructions, giving concrete examples from topology. Then we'll put all of this together to describe why our homotopy limit of categories is an invariant of the original symplectic surface.

Free pizzas as always!:)