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Grobner bases for twisted commutative algebras

Algebra & Discrete Mathematics

Speaker: Steven Sam, UC Berkeley
Location: 2112 MSB
Start time: Mon, Mar 10 2014, 12:10PM

Recent work of Draisma-Kuttler, Snowden, and Church-Ellenberg-Farb in commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and homological algebra, seeks to understand stability results (say, of some invariant of a sequence of algebraic objects) as the finite generation of some other algebraic object. Examples include the Delta-modules in the study of free resolutions of Segre embeddings and FI-modules in the study of cohomology of configuration spaces. This finite generation often reduces to establishing the Noetherian property: subobjects of finitely generated objects are again finitely generated. I will discuss the situation of modules over twisted commutative algebras, which realize some of these topics as special cases. I will introduce a Grobner basis theory and show how it proves these Noetherian results. The talk will be mostly combinatorial and I will suggest some open problems. This is based on joint work with Andrew Snowden.