Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars

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Automated Text Detection in Applications for the Blind and Low-Vision, and a few Words about SBIR Grants

Applied Math

Speaker: Mark Nitzberg, The Blindsight Corporation
Location: 693 Kerr
Start time: Tue, May 24 2005, 4:10PM

The Blindsight Corporation is a little company applying machine vision to make aids for the Blind and Low Vision. Our projects include an LED/LCD Display Reader, a Sign Finder that reads signs aloud, and a Smart Telescope that detects and enhances text in the environment and presents it a few words at a time on a discrete glasses-mounted display. There's a bit of applied math here, including Adaboost training used to build a text detector that can be trained to work in specific environments, but the talk will be more on the "applied" than on the mathematics. To compensate, I'll talk about SBIR grant funding.