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Super-fast Solvers for FMM matrices

Applied Math

Speaker: Shiv Chandrasekaran, UCSB
Location: 1147 MSB
Start time: Fri, Oct 20 2006, 4:10PM

The fast multi-pole method (FMM) of Greengard and Rokhlin has revolutionized scientific computing by greatly speeding up the calculation of certain sets of sums. The FMM can also be regarded as a fast matrix multiplication technique for certain classes of hierarchically structured matrices. These matrices are ubiquitous, and they readily appear when one discretizes integral and partial differential equations. Therefore the ability to rapidly apply the *inverse* of these matrices to other vectors would be of great importance. In this talk we outline some of the progress that has been made in designing such an algorithm. This is joint work with Professors Patrick Dewilde (TU Delft) and Ming Gu (UC Berkeley) and our graduate students.