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String Compactifications and Hitchin Systems

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Speaker: Lara B. Anderson, Virginia Tech
Related Webpage:
Location: Zoom
Start time: Fri, Feb 5 2021, 11:00AM

This term we focus on "Inspiration from Physics to Mathematics." The speaker's abstract:

In this talk I will describe recent applications of Higgs bundles (including wild/irregular Higgs bundles) which arise within a wide range of applications in string compactifications over special holonomy manifolds --- including Calabi-Yau and G2 holonomy geometries. In string theory, much recent work has exploited links between Calabi-Yau and Hitchin Integrable systems. In particular, the work of Diaconescu, Donagi and Pantev brought to light a remarkable isomorphism between (non-compact) Calabi-Yau integrable systems and those of Hitchin. Extensions of this correspondence to compact Calabi-Yau geometry have recently been found in the context of string compactifications but many open questions remain. In particular, links between Hitchin and Calabi-Yau moduli spaces have the potential to shed light on a number of important physical questions regarding string vacuum spaces.

The Zoom Meeting Room opens at 10:45am. If you need the passcode, please send an email to the organizer (Motohico).