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Occupation time of one-dimensional exclusion processes out of equilibrium


Speaker: Tiecheng Xu, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA)
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Location: Zoom
Start time: Wed, Mar 2 2022, 1:10PM

In this talk we will discuss how to derive the scaling limit of the non-equilibrium fluctuations of the occupation time of one-dimensional exclusion processes. I will mainly focus on the particle systems in the finite volume. To explain ideas of the proof, we deal with a specific model, the spatially inhomogeneous, weakly asymmetric simple exclusion processes on the one-dimensional discrete torus T_n . Our proof relies on the refined Yau’s relative entropy method, recently introduced by Jara and Menezes. If time permits, I will discuss some progress on the extension to the infinite volume setting. Based on the joint work with Luiz Renato Fontes(IME-USP) and an on-going joint work with Dirk Erhard(UFBA) and Tertuliano Franco(UFBA).