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Deformation Quantization and Homological Reduction of a Lattice Gauge Model

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Speaker: Markus Pflaum, University of Colorado Boulder
Location: 3024 QMAP
Start time: Mon, Mar 11 2024, 3:10PM

In the first part of the talk we explain the method of homological reduction and its quantized version. We then show that quantized homological reduction can be applied to construct deformation quantizations of certain singular symplectic spaces, namely singular symplectic quotients, where the coefficients of the moment map define a complete intersection. In the second part of the talk examples are discussed, among others one where the singularity type is worse than an orbifold singularity and a lattice gauge model. We also present a few new results on equivariant analytic structures on symplectic manifolds and the analyticity of the moment map.