General Profile


Alex Mogilner

Professor Emeritus
Mathematical biology
Ph.D., 1990, USSR Academy of Science; Ph.D., 1995, University of British Columbia

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Alex Mogilner does research in mathematical biology and biophysics. More specifically, he uses methods of applied math, theoretical biophysics, and system biology to understand how cells move and how they divide. In the past few years, Alex focused on modeling mitotic spindle assembly and keratocyte cell migration.

Selected publications

  1. B. Rubinstein, M.F. Fournier, K. Jacobson, A. Verkhovsky, A. Mogilner. "Actin-myosin viscoelastic flow in the keratocyte lamellipod," Biophysical Journal, 97:1853-1863, (2009).

  2. R. Paul, R. Wollman, W.T. Silkworth, I.K. Nardi, D. Cimini, A. Mogilner. "Computer simulations predict that chromosome movements and rotations accelerate mitotic spindle assembly without compromising accuracy," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106:15708-15713, (2005). Full Text.

  3. J. Zhu, A. Burakov, V. Rodionov, A. Mogilner. "Finding the cell center by a balance of dynein and myosin pulling and microtubule pushing: a computational study," Molecular Biology of the Cell, 21:4418-4427, (2010). Full Text.

  4. N. Ofer, A. Mogilner, K. Keren. "Actin disassembly clock determines shape and speed of lamellipodial fragments," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(51):20394-20399, (2011). Full Text.

  5. A. Mogilner, D. Odde. "Modeling cellular processes in 3D," Trends in Cell Biology, 21(12):692-700, (2011).

Honors and Awards

    Alex's research is supported by NIH and NSF grants.

Last updated: 2012-04-19