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How to get any algebraic set from rods and joints.

Student-Run Research Seminar

Speaker: Yvonne Lai, UC Davis
Location: 693 Kerr
Start time: Wed, Nov 10 2004, 12:10PM

[linkage example thumbnail]
(click for linkage example)
Roughly speaking, a linkage is a bunch of rods and joints in the plane. We can think about the moduli space of a linkage: the space of all its possible positions.

In 2002, Misha Kapovich and John Millson proved that you can get any compact algebraic set—that is, the set of zeroes of a collection of polynomials in any number of variables—is the moduli space of some linkage. This implies (through work of Seifert, Nash, Palais, and Tognoli) that any manifold M is a component of the moduli space of some linkage. In the talk, I will sketch the main ideas of Kapovich and Millson, which are very friendly and geometric.