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Introduction to Skyline Augmented Fillings

Student-Run Discrete Math Seminar

Speaker: Ben Fineman, UC Davis
Location: 1147 MSB
Start time: Thu, Mar 8 2007, 11:00AM

In my talk I will give an introduction to skyline augmented fillings. They are similar to young semi-standard tableaux, except they are based on weak compositions instead of partitions, and there are more restrictions on which numbers can be placed in which boxes. I will show how skyline augmented fillings can be used to define the non symmetric schur functions and discuss two bijections; one between young semi-standard tableau and skyline augmented fillings, as well as a bijection between N-matrices and skyline augmented fillings, which is an analogue of the RSK algorithm (a bijection between N-matrices and pairs of YSST).