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Combinatorics, statistics, and Findstat

Student-Run Computer Program for Mathematics Seminar

Speaker: Viviane Pons, Universitat Wien
Location: 2112 MSB
Start time: Wed, Nov 13 2013, 3:10PM

Combinatorics can be understood as the study of finite graded sets of objects. A permanent question is to find algorithms which links objects of a certain type to objects of another type. These algorithms can be used to define bijections and to prove some enumeration results. One key tool is the study of statistics on different objects. A statistic is just a number which can be associated with an object (size, height, volume, etc.). These numbers often contain meaningful mathematical information. We're going to explain how statistics play a key role in the definition of combinatorial bijection. Then we're going to present the Findstat project: a platform to gather information about combinatorial statistics and their relations.