Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars

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Groups, particles, and the Eightfold Way

Math Circle

Speaker: Evan Angelico, UC Davis
Location: 3106 MSB
Start time: Sat, Mar 7 2015, 10:00AM

The goal of this lecture is to explore the close relationship between mathematics and theoretical physics. We will see that, for great ideas to arise, mathematics and physics must develop together with a common point of view. In some cases, great leaps are made to fill the gaps in human knowledge. Today, we will look at one great leap that required the collaboration of both physicists and mathematicians. This lecture assumes no prior experience in math or physics and has no prerequisites. First, we will look at a purely mathematical object, the group. It turns out that in many cases, mathematics takes on an unusual form. Next, we introduce the particle zoo. What are the particles of physics? How do they operate? Why are there so many? Lastly, we will see how the two ideas from separate fields merge and become one in the Eightfold Way, a theory that set the stage for developing the Standard Model.