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The weight, geometry and coalescence of scaled polymers in Brownian last passage percolation


Speaker: Alan Hammond, UC Berkeley
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Location: 2112 MSB
Start time: Wed, Apr 26 2017, 4:10PM

In last passage percolation (LPP) models, a random environment in the two-dimensional integer lattice consisting of independent and identically distributed weights is considered. The weight of an upright path is said to be the sum of the weights encountered along the path. A principal object of study are the polymers, which are the upright paths whose weight is maximal given the two endpoints. Polymers move in straight lines over long distances with a two-thirds exponent dictating fluctuation. It is natural to seek to study collective polymer behaviour in scaled coordinates that take account of this linear behaviour and the two-third exponent-determined fluctuation.

We study Brownian LPP, a model whose integrable properties find an attractive probabilistic expression. Building on a study arXiv:1609.02971
concerning the decay in probability for the existence of several near polymers with common endpoints, we demonstrate that the probability that there exist k disjoint polymers across a unit box in scaled coordinates has a superpolynomial decay rate in k.

This result has implications for the Brownian regularity of the scaled polymer weight profile begun from rather general initial data.