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Time Reversal Anomalies and Topological Phase transitions in the Gauged Linear Sigma Models

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Speaker: Ryan Thorngren, Berkeley
Location: 2112 MSB
Start time: Fri, Jan 12 2018, 11:00AM

The 2-dimensional Gauged Linear Sigma Model is a well-studied quantum field theory with an interesting phase diagram, which can be roughly divided into Higgs and confined phases. In the Higgs phases, there is a classical ground state moduli space described as a toric variety by the charge content of the theory. As parameters are varied, the system can transition between different Higgs phases and also to some topologically distinct confining phases. The structure of these transitions is constrained by time reversal and flavor symmetries and some exact results about it can be derived by studying anomalies. If time permits, I will also discuss some analogous structures in 4d gauge theory.