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No Longer Hidden Figures: Encouraging Diverse Mathematical Talent

Featured Campus Seminars

Speaker: Talithia Williams, Harvey Mudd College
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Location: MPR Student Community Center
Start time: Mon, Feb 5 2018, 4:10PM

The recent blockbuster hit, "Hidden Figures", shines light on the talented group of African American women mathematicians that helped lead the United States in the race to become the first country to put a man on the moon. Their passion for mathematical excellence and desire to make meaningful contributions to the greater society allowed them to persevere in circumstances that were not always welcoming. In this talk, Dr. Williams will take you on a journey from her budding mathematical interest to her path to the profession, including the stumbling blocks she faced along the way.

Talithia Williams, PhD is Associate Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College. She develops statistical models which emphasize the spatial and temporal structure of data, and applies them to problems in the environment. Her professional experiences include research appointments at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the National Security Agency, and NASA.