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2d Yang-Mills on surfaces with corners in BV formalism

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Speaker: Pavel Mnev, Chicago
Location: 2112 MSB
Start time: Fri, May 25 2018, 12:10PM

We study the perturbative path integral quantization for the 2D Yang-Mills theory on surfaces with boundaries and corners in the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism (or, more precisely, in its adaptation to the setting with boundaries, compatible with gluing and cutting - the BV-BFV formalism). We prove that cutting a surface (e.g. a closed one) into simple enough pieces - building blocks - and choosing a convenient gauge-fixing on the pieces, and assembling back the partition function on the surface, one recovers the known non-perturbative answers for the 2D Yang-Mills theory.
This a report on a joint work with Riccardo Iraso.