Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars

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On a condition for type-I Bose–Einstein condensation in random potentials


Speaker: Maximilian Pechmann, University of Tennessee Knoxvile
Location: Zoom (online)
Start time: Wed, May 13 2020, 2:10PM

We discuss Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) in systems of pairwise non-interacting bosons in random potentials in d dimensions. Working in a rather general framework, we provide a “gap condition” which is sufficient to conclude existence of type-I BEC in probability and in the rth mean. We illustrate our results in the context of the well-known (one-dimensional) Luttinger–Sy model. Here, whenever the particle density exceeds a critical value, we show in addition that only the ground state is macroscopically occupied. This is joint work with J. Kerner and W. Spitzer.

Please join us to this virtual seminar at (room opens at 2pm)