Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars

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Spreading Mechanics and Differentiation of Astrocytes During Retinal Development

Mathematical Biology

Speaker: Tracy Stepien, University of Florida
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Location: Online (Zoom)
Start time: Mon, Nov 2 2020, 2:10PM

In embryonic development, formation of the retinal vasculature is critically dependent on prior establishment of a mesh of astrocytes. Astrocytes emerge from the optic nerve head and then migrate over the retinal surface in a radially symmetric manner and mature through differentiation. We develop a PDE model describing the migration and differentiation of astrocytes, and numerical simulations are compared to experimental data to assist in elucidating the mechanisms responsible for the distribution of astrocytes via parameter analysis. This is joint work with Timothy Secomb.

Seminars this quarter will be online on Zoom. Please see the math bio seminar series email list or contact the organizers for link and password.