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On the generalized Constantin-Lax-Majda Model for the 3D Euler equations

Student-Run Analysis & PDE

Speaker: Jiajie Chen, Caltech
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Location: Zoom
Start time: Thu, Jan 21 2021, 1:10PM

De Gregorio, Okamoto introduced the (gCLM) model $w_t + u w_x = u_x w$, a generalization of the Constantin-Lax-Majda model $w_t = u_x w$, to model the effect of advection and vortex stretching in the 3D incompressible Euler equations. Here, $u_x$ is given by the Hilbert transform $H$ of $w$: $u_x = H w$. In this talk, we will discuss several results on the singularity formation of gCLM, which are related to two conjectures about this model. Some of the results are joint with Tom Hou and De Huang.

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