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Remarks on the stability of some homogeneous equilibria in Vlasov-Poisson on R^3

PDE and Applied Math Seminar

Speaker: Klaus Widmayer, University of Zurich
Location: Zoom
Start time: Thu, Apr 27 2023, 4:10PM

"Landau damping" is nowadays regarded as a significant effect in the dynamics of hot plasmas. Its mathematical understanding, however, is still in its infancy, despite much recent progress. In this talk we revisit stabilizing mechanisms in the linearized Vlasov-Poisson equations near homogeneous equilibria on R^3, beginning with an explicit family of generalized Poisson equilibria and arriving at a precise description of the associated Green function in broader generality. We then discuss how this enables nonlinear stability in the specific setting of the Poisson equilibrium.

This is based on joint work with A. Ionescu, B. Pausader and X. Wang.