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The Importance of Spin in Sports Ball Performance

Student-Run Research Seminar

Speaker: Mont Hubbard, UC Davis
Location: 693 Kerr
Start time: Wed, Apr 20 2005, 12:10PM

Ball spin significantly affects how sports balls move. In the case of baseball, the spin in flight generates substantial lift forces and can add substantial range to that achievable with no spin. As a result a curve ball can be hit farther than a fast ball, even though its pitched and batted speeds are less than those of the fast ball. This has implications on how different pitches should be batted. In basketball free throws, backspin can scrub more energy from the ball in shots that hit the rim and aid in capture, increasing the number of successful shots by about 10%, all other conditions held constant. This talk examines the mechanics of spin generation and its effects on the two games.