Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars

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Global Virtual SageDays 109

Special Events

Speaker: Various
Related Webpage:
Location: Everywhere
Start time: Wed, May 27 2020, 3:00AM

SageDays are gatherings of people interested in SageMath, from newcomers to contributors. Sage Days have been organized as local, regional, or international in-person meetings by a wide range of people around the globe, including several events at UC Davis.

Because of the current global health crisis, we organize SageDays 109 as the first fully virtual event in the series.

It is held on Thursday, May 28, 2020 when it is that date in some timezone in the world, which makes it a 50-hour event. In our timezone, it starts at 3am on Wednesday.

Please register (ASAP) if you intend to participate:

Registration ahead of time is important so that the global organizers can order sufficient quantities of refreshment emojis.