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Lieb-Robinson bounds for a class of continuum fermions
Mathematical Physics SeminarSpeaker: | Oliver Siebert, UC Davis |
Location: | 3024 QMAP |
Start time: | Mon, Feb 10 2025, 4:10PM |
We establish a Lieb-Robinson bound for a d-dimensional continuous many-body fermionic system with an ultraviolet regularized pair interaction, as previously studied by M. Gebert, B. Nachtergaele, J. Reschke, and R. Sims. Our proof is based on the ASTLO method and works for a general class of potentials. Furthermore, we also improve the associated one-body Lieb-Robinson bound to an almost ballistic one (i.e., an almost linear light cone). Finally, we discuss several applications, including the existence of a strongly continuous infinite-volume dynamics on the CAR algebra, the clustering of ground states in the presence of a spectral gap, and a fermionic continuum notion of conditional expectation. This is joint work with B. Hinrichs and M. Lemm.