
News for 2020

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December 2020
Department 2019-2020 newsletter now available
The Department's Newsletter featuring the 2019-2020 academic year is now available to download as a PDF. Click the link below to view the newsletter.
November 2020
Laura Starkston awarded 2020 Hellman Fellowship
Laura Starkston has been awarded a Hellman Fellowship for 2020. The purpose of the Hellman Fellows Program is "to support the research of promising assistant professors who show capacity for great distinction in their chosen fields of endeavor." Fellowships are awarded annually to researchers from across the 10 University of California campuses, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Stanford University, and Williams College. Laura, who was selected as a featured awardee in a recent profile honoring all UC Davis Hellman Fellows since 2008, is joined by 9 other UC Davis researchers awarded the fellowship in 2020. Congratulations Laura!
October 2020
De Loera awarded 2020 INFORMS Optimization Society Farkas Prize

Jesús De Loera has been awarded the Farkas Prize for 2020. The prize is awarded annually by the INFORMS Optimization Society, part of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS).

The prize was awarded to Prof. De Loera "in recognition of his pioneering work at the intersection of discrete mathematics, optimization and algebraic geometry."

The Society further explains in its award announcement: "Professor De Loera's research includes fundamental results on topics including the complexity of interior-point methods for linear programming, the Hirsch conjecture for network flow polytopes, use of Gröbner and Graver bases for discrete optimization and the theory and application of triangulations. His research is noted for the successful computational implementation of methods based on complex mathematical theory, including the enumeration of lattice points in polyhedra and the application of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz to combinatorial optimization. Professor De Loera is also well known as an outstanding expositor and mentor whose infectious enthusiasm draws other researchers to work in areas where they might otherwise not dare to venture."

Congratulations Jesús!

July 2020
De Loera awarded 2020 UC Davis ADVANCE Scholar Award
Jesús De Loera has been named as one of the recipients of the UC Davis ADVANCE Scholar Award for 2020. The ADVANCE Scholar Award highlights and celebrates the contributions that STEM faculty at UC Davis have made to their fields through outstanding scholarship and mentorship. The award aims to encourage excellence in research as well as leadership and outreach to underserved communities and/or mentorship of under-represented students.
July 2020
Mathematics Department graduate students earn accolades and support
Every year, a number of the department's graduate students win prestigious awards and fellowships supporting their research and recognizing the high merit of their work. We offer our congratulations to the following recent recipients of extra-departmental awards for the 2020-21 Academic Year:
  • Incoming graduate student Ashleigh Adams was granted the National Science Foundation's prestigious Graduate Research Fellowship. According to the Foundation, the fellowship "recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported STEM disciplines who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees at accredited US institutions. The five-year fellowship includes three years of financial support including an annual stipend of $34,000 and a cost of education allowance of $12,000 to the institution."
  • Fifth-year student Jianping Pan, whose research is on algebraic combinatorics, was awarded the Professors for the Future fellowship for 2020-21. The Professors for the Future program, managed by UC Davis Graduate Studies, "is a year-long competitive fellowship program designed to recognize and develop the leadership skills of outstanding graduate students and postdoctoral scholars who have demonstrated their commitment to professionalism, integrity, and academic service."
  • Katy Jarvis, a student in her final year in the graduate program whose research is on mathematical models for muscle contraction and other biological processes, received the UC Davis Dissertation Year Fellowship for 2020-21, a "12-month fellowship open to continuing doctoral students who are in the final stages of their doctoral work demonstrating strong potential for university teaching and research."
  • Black Jiang and Eli Moore received a Summer GSR award from UC Davis Graduate Studies, offering financial support for their research activities during Summer 2020.
  • Xiaotie Chen, Chengyang Wang and Jack Wesley received the College of Letters and Science Dean's Summer Fellowship for 2020.
We also offer our congratulations to recent awardees of our departmental awards (PDF) for the 2019-2020 academic year.
June 2020
Fall 2020: Math Courses Offered Remotely With Some In-Person Services

From the UC Davis statement: When fall quarter instruction starts Sept. 30, the campus plans to offer most courses remotely, though some courses will also be available in person, depending on health guidelines and instructor preference. As well, in-person instruction will occur for the small number of courses that cannot be delivered remotely, such as those requiring live performance and hands-on experiences.

At this time, we anticipate that math classes will be held remotely.

May 2020
Mathematicians Study Evolution of the Coronavirus
Professors Javier Arsuaga and Mariel Vazquez have been awarded a seed grant from CeDAR and a RAPID NSF grant to develop mathematical/data science methods to study the evolution of the novel coronavirus.
May 2020
Anne Schilling to become next chair of the Mathematics Department
Anne Schilling will become chair of the Mathematics Department on July 1, 2020, when current chair Abigail Thompson completes her three year term. Asked for a comment, Prof. Schilling writes: “ It is an honor to serve as your next Department Chair. My aim is to make the department an even more vibrant place for mathematical research and teaching. In the face of the current emergency---more so than ever---this will require a community effort. I am sure our excellent faculty, students and staff can make this happen. I am happy to announce that Becca Thomases has agreed to be our new Graduate Program Committee (GPC) Chair, Tim Lewis will be our Undergraduate Program Committee (UPC) Chair, and Bruno Nachtergaele will serve as Vice Chair for Personnel starting July 1. I would like to thank Abby Thompson for her dedicated and tireless service as Department Chair for the last three years. I would also like to thank the outgoing Vice Chairs for their commitment to the department: Thomas Strohmer (GPC), Monica Vazirani (UPC), Misha Kapovich (Personnel).”
February 2020
Thompson awarded ACTA prize for Intellectual Freedom
Abigail Thompson has been recognized by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) as a Hero of Intellectual Freedom. Dr. Thompson will deliver the keynote address at ACTA’s ATHENA Roundtable Conference on November 13, 2020, where she will be introduced by University of Chicago President Robert Zimmer.
February 2020
Casals awarded Sloan Research Fellowship
Roger Casals is one of 20 mathematicians awarded a Sloan Research Fellowship for 2020. Sloan Fellowships were awarded to 126 early-career scholars who "represent the most promising scientific researchers working today. Their achievements and potential place them among the next generation of scientific leaders in the U.S. and Canada. Winners receive $75,000, which may be spent over a two-year term on any expense supportive of their research."
January 2020
Casals awarded CAREER grant
Roger Casals has been awarded a Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) grant by the National Science Foundation. The CAREER Program offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.