News for 2010
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October 2010
UC Davis Math and Applied Math ranked among the nation's top graduate programs by the National Research Council (PDF)
UC Davis Math and Applied Math ranked among the nation's top graduate programs
by the National Research Council
October 2010
Grads Schwemmer and Schlichter Receive Awards for Presentations
Michael Schwemmer won the award for best graduate student poster presentation at the SIAM Life Science Conference, which was held in Pittsburgh, PA in July. Michael graduated in August and is now a postdoctoral fellow in Applied Mathematics at Princeton University.
Tami Schlichter was named runner-up for the best graduate student poster award at the Annual Conference for Computational Neuroscience, held in San Antonio, TX in July. Tami is finishing her PhD degree this Fall.
Tami Schlichter was named runner-up for the best graduate student poster award at the Annual Conference for Computational Neuroscience, held in San Antonio, TX in July. Tami is finishing her PhD degree this Fall.
October 2010
Professor Jesus De Loera is the 2010 ICS Prize Winner.
Professor Jesus De Loera is the 2010 ICS Prize Winner.
September 2010
Davis Math Conference in MSB 1147, Sept 22
The Math Department will host a conference on September 22 showcasing
the achievements of our graduate program. More details at
September 2010
Arthur Krener receives the Certificate of Excellent Achievements
Distinguished Professor Emeritus Arthur J Krener received the Certificate
of Excellent Achievements from the International Federation for Automatic
Control Technical Committee on Nonlinear Control Systems at the Eighth
IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems in Bologna, Italy on September
2, 2010.
June 2010
Thomases wins Hellman Fellowship
The Hellman Family Foundation has contributed funds to establish the UC Davis
Hellman Fellows Program to provide support and encouragement for the research
of promising Assistant Professors who exhibit potential for great distinction
in their research and who have documented a need for funding.
May 2010
UCD Math grad program ranks 13th in the nation for topology!
UC Davis received high honors in the newest U.S. News & World Report rankings of graduate and professional schools. Our Department ranked 36th among the nation, and among the top as 13th in the area of topology. These ratings are based on two types of data: expert opinions about program quality and statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school’s faculty, research and students.
April 2010
Rohit Thomas receives the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award
Rohit Thomas was recognized with the 2010 Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award. This award, co-sponsored by the Graduate Council, the Office of Graduate Studies, and the Teaching Resources Center, recognizes excellence in teaching by graduate students on the UC Davis campus.
April 2010
Professor Thompson receives Distinguished Teaching Award
The Representative Assembly of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate has confirmed that Professor Abigail Thompson is one of two recipients of the 2010 Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Awards in the Graduate/Professional Category. This award is based on a broad range of teaching activities over the past several years, and recognizes her success in innovative teaching methods, command of her subject matter, and her students progress in subsequent academic and career activities.
March 2010
Romik receives NSF CAREER grant for combinatorial probability
Professor Romik was awarded a grant by the Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER). The Program was created by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research. Romik will study combinatorial models that arise in connection with certain structures on two-dimensional lattices, such as domino tilings, Young tableaux and alternating-sign matrices.