Publications of Albert Fannjiang

Imaging and Inverse Problems

Radiative Transfer

Nonlinear Waves

  1. A. Fannjiang: Phase space models for stochastic nonlinear parabolic waves: wave spread and collapse
    Journal of Physics A.: Math. Gen. Vol 39 (2006), 11383-11398.
  2. A. Fannjiang: Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation with a White-Noise Potential: Phase-space Approach to Spread and Singularity
    Physica D, Volume 212, Issues 3-4, 2005, Pages 195-204.
  3. A. Fannjiang, S. Jin and G. Papanicolaou: High Frequency Behavior of the Focusing Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation with Random Inhomogeneities
    SIAM J. Appl. Math. 63(2003), pp. 1328-1358.
  4. A. Fannjiang, A. Kiselev and L. Ryzhik: Quenching of Reaction by Cellular Flows
    Geometrical and Functional Analysis, 16 (2006) 40-69

Classical and Quantum Chaos

  1. A. Fannjiang, S. Nonnenmacher and L. Wolowski: Relaxation Time of Quantized Toral Maps
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis, 7 (2006), no. 1, 161-198.
  2. A. Fannjiang, S. Nonnenmacher and L. Wolowski: Dissipation time and decay of correlations
    Nonlinearity 17 (July 2004) 1481-1508
  3. A. Fannjiang and L. Wolowski: Noise-Induced Dissipation in discrete time conservative systems
    Journal of Statistical Physics, 113:112 (2003), pp. 335-378
  4. A. Fannjiang: Time Scales in Homogenization of Periodic Flows with Vanishing Molecular Diffusion
    J. Diff. Eq. 179(2002), pp. 433-455.
  5. A. Fannjiang: Time Scales in Noisy Conservative Systems
    Lec. Notes Phys 450 (1995), pp. 124-139.

Turbulent Transport

Gradient Elasticity and Fracture

  1. Y.-S. Chan, A. Fannjiang, G. Paulino and B.-F. Feng: Finite part integrals and hypersingular kernels Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems A 14 (S2) 264-269 (2007).
  2. G.H. Paulino, A. Fannjiang and Y.-S. Chan: Gradient Elasticity Solution for a Mode III Crack in a Functionally Graded Materials
    Materials Science Forum Vols. 308-311 (1999), pp. 971-976.
  3. G.H. Paulino, Y.-S. Chan and A. Fannjiang: The crack problem for Nonhomogeneous Materials Under Antiplane Shear Loading - A Displacement Based Formulation
    Int. J. Solids Structures 38:17 (2001), pp. 2989-3005.
  4. Y.S. Chan, A. Fannjiang and G. Paulino: Integral Equations with Hypersingular Kernels - Theory and Applications to Fracture Mechanics
    International Journal of Engineering Science 41:7(2003), pp. 683-720
  5. A. Fannjiang, Y.S. Chan and G. Paulino: Strain Gradient Elasticity for Anti-Plane Shear Cracks: A Hypersingular Integrodifferential Equation Approach
    SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 62:3(2002), pp. 1066-1091
  6. Y.-S. Chan, A.C. Fannjiang and G.H. Paulino: Gradient Elasticity Theory for Mode I Crack in Functionally Graded Materials
    Ceramic Transactions 114(2001), pp. 731-738.
  7. G. Paulino, A. Fannjiang and Y.-S. Chan: Gradient Elasticity Theory for Mode III Fracture in Functionally Graded Materials - Part I: Crack Perpendicular to the Material Gradient.
    ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 70:4(2003), pp. 531-542
  8. Y.-S. Chan, G. Paulino and A. Fannjiang: Gradient Elasticity Theory for Mode III Fracture in Functionally Graded Materials - Part II: Crack parallel to the Material Gradation.
    ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 75:6 (2008) 061015
  9. Y.-S. Chan, G. Paulino and A. Fannjiang: Change of Constitutive Relations Due to Interaction between Strain-Gradient Effect and Material Gradation
    ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics - September 2006 - Volume 73, Issue 5, pp. 871-875


  1. Einstein's religious thought
    Oversea Campus Magazine, No. 62, December, 2003.
  2. Spinoza's view on religion
    Oversea Campus Magazine, No. 63, February, 2004.